Christian Education

Sunday Morning Wednesday Evening
8:30 – 9:45 AM 7:00 – 8:15 PM

In Proverbs 22:6, the Bible says “train up a child in the way he should go”, and Deuteronomy, when talking about the Commandments, says “teach them to your children and to their children after that” and “Impress them on your children.” The spiritual well being of a child is to be nurtured in the family, as well as in church. Our Sunday School classes and our Catechism & Wed evening classes are operated on your behalf, to help you with this nurturing. As Sunday School teachers at Charity Lutheran Church, we know that the spiritual education of our congregation’s children is a serious thing. We have committed to coming to Sunday School every Sunday to teach them about God’s Word, at their level of understanding. We know they may not get as much as we do from hearing Pastor preach, because he’s preaching primarily at an adult level. We have also committed to prepare our lessons ahead of time each week, because we do take our “vocation” or “job” seriously.

The children’s lessons include Jesus Walks on Water, Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, stories of Peter, & stories of Paul. The Jr High/High School class studies the day’s Gospel lesson. We also have an Adult Bible Study during the Sunday School time (High School kids can choose if they’d rather attend this class or the Sunday School class). At this time, they are studying Luther’s Large Catechism. Come and join us, you can jump in at any time!

We also have Wed evening classes. We have something for all ages during the school year. The Adult Bible Study has begun on St. Augustine’s Confessions. The 7th and 8th grade children attend Confirmation Instruction. This is preparation for them to commune at the Lord’s Supper in the Divine Service. The 5th and 6th grade attend Old and New Testament Class. This class studies some of the main Bible stories of the Old Testament one year and the New Testament the next. They also work on learning the parts of the Small Catechism and their meanings. The children younger than that attend Children’s Class. This class discusses our Divine Service, the Seasons of the Church, & Historical Christian Heroes. They also work on learning the parts of the Small Catechism.

All of our children, starting at age 2 or 3, are given a large banner with their name on it. The first Sunday of each quarter, we have our Sunday School Awards for the previous quarter. On these Sundays the children should bring their banners, especially if they will be getting any rewards for on it. The children get a point for attending Sunday School, attending Wed classes, & memorizing Bible verses. The older elementary Sunday School class gets points for their review quiz. The Jr High/High School class gets points for reading their Bible on their own. All children who have earned points that quarter get a certificate & “goodie bag” as their reward. In addition, for each Bible verse memorized, they get a Bible sticker for on their banner. For each part of the Small Catechism they memorize, they receive a felt shape for on their banner. For each meaning of a part of the Small Catechism they memorize, they receive a pin for on top of the felt shape on their banner.

Facebook Broadcasts

Live and recorded videos of Worship Services and Bible Studies are available on our Facebook page.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, February 19
  • Adult Bible Study

    Wednesday, February 19 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sunday, February 23
  • Sunday School / Bible Study

    Sunday, February 23 | 8:30 am - 10:00 am

  • Worship / Holy Communion

    Sunday, February 23 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Wednesday, February 26
  • Adult Bible Study

    Wednesday, February 26 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sunday, March 2
  • Sunday School / Bible Study

    Sunday, March 2 | 8:30 am - 10:00 am